Sunday, January 1, 2012

The New Year....The New ME:)

I cannot believe it is already a New Year!!! I have a lot to be thankful for looking back at 2011!!! Some highlights are, We finally had a GIRL, My side of the family welcomed 3 babies within a month!!! They were all healthy babies and we are so thankful! My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer & they were able to remove it and she did have to go through radiation but NO chemo!!!She has had a rough year but in the end, looking back, the Lord was with us every step of the way!! Why do we ever doubt??? It seems like in every phase of my life when things seemed to be totally falling apart, God comes and holds my hand & helps me make it through! SO, in 2012 I turn not worried in the least about being 30, I just want to be my healthiest mentally, physically & spiritually when I get to 30!! That means some major dieting & exercise(joy) & im not just looking to get thin but HEALTHY!!!!!I need to take better care of myself for my family! Im setting many goals for myself this year and for the first time in my life, i really feel I will reach them!! Some other things im gonna work on are: Spending way LESS time on facebook and way MORE time in my Bible. I have failed in this area and I will NOT spend my life wrapped up in technology and not be the wife and momma that I need to be..Im gonna try to stop is hard for me because who doesnt love to gossip??!!! Oh dear, I have to do better..I want to be an encouragement to people! Ya know, like if I think there hair looks good, by all means im gonna tell them. Simply, Be Kind. Everyone has struggles and you never know how just by giving a compliment or sending a card, you can make someones day!! Im gonna cook more recipes...venture out & not always cook the same things!! Im gonna spend way more Quality time with my children..I want to make memories with them that they will always remember. I dont want them to have memories of me being grouchy all the time! Im gonna praise them more for the little things!! After all, im molding their self esteem for life!! Now that i have written a book, im done for! I look forward to this being the Best Year Ever!!!!